Zoom’s default settings for meetings allow anyone with the link to join a Zoom meeting. This low barrier of entry makes Zoom easy to use, but also comes with a great deal of risk. People (or bots) with access to the link can join your meeting(s) easily and sometimes with lasting repercussions.
Zoom offers a number of security options that you can use to prevent unwelcome participants from joining your meeting(s) or to limit their ability to share inappropriate content.
Several options are listed below.
When you use UMass Amherst Zoom (https://umass-amherst.zoom.us/), you are using an enterprise version of Zoom, which is different from the commercial version. UMass Amherst's contract with Zoom contains a FERPA (Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act) privacy clause which allows virtual instruction delivery using this platform.
UMass Amherst’s default Zoom settings already include the following:
During a meeting you can prevent participants from sharing their screen, keep participants muted, or remove participants.
You can prevent participants from sharing their screen unless you have assigned them the role of Host, Co-Host, or Alternative Host.
Via the Participants window, you can keep participants muted, enable the waiting room, lock the meeting to additional participants, or remove participants.
Log in to the Zoom portal at umass-amherst.zoom.us. On the Settings page, turn off Allow Removed Participant to Rejoin to ensure that if a participant is removed for inappropriate behavior, they cannot rejoin.
The settings you configure will apply to all future meetings. These options are all available when you got to the web portal at umass-amherst.zoom.us and sign into Zoom. From the left navigation, click Settings.
Instructors and other session hosts can disable screen sharing for attendees. Screen sharing is allowed by default to improve the ease of use for remote work and learning, but we highly recommend you turn screen sharing off if it will not be necessary.
While in your Zoom meeting, you can elevate a participant to co-host to enable screen sharing. At the bottom of the screen, click Participants, then next to a participant's name click Make Co-Host.
If chat is not necessary for your Zoom sessions, it can be disabled from your account settings:
There are multiple ways you can restrict access to your Zoom meeting: you can set up a password for each of your meetings or you can restrct access to your sessions to members of the campus community.
You can also set up a waiting room for your Zoom session.
To secure the Zoom cloud recordings you create, navigate to your Zoom recording settings page. These options apply to all the Zoom recordings you create.
To restrict viewing, enable Only authenticated users can view cloud recordings from the Zoom recording settings page. When this setting is enabled, users must have a UMass Amherst NetID to view the recording.
To set password protection, enable Require password to access shared cloud recordings from the Zoom recording settings page. When this setting is enabled, a random password will be generated that can be modified by the meeting host. This setting applies only to recordings generated after the setting is turned on.
To change security settings for individual recordings, navigate to your Zoom recordings page, then select Share.
Many thanks to the University of Washington whose documentation served as the basis for this content.