Instructors, the Faculty Center provides you with a single, personalized point of access to your teaching schedule, including any class and grade rosters. You can view your teaching information for the current term or look at information for other terms (if applicable). You can download a copy of your class or final exam schedule to your preferred calendaring tool. You can get a summary of FERPA information including some dos and don'ts. Also, you can access your class overview or link to syllabus if you have entered them.
Your Faculty Center defaults to show current term information, unless you saved User Preferences that dictate otherwise. Learn more about User Preferences.
If you have had teaching assignments for more than one term, and want to view information for another term, click the change term button. On the Select Term page, select a term, then click Continue. Your Faculty Center will refresh to show your teaching assignments for the new term.
Use the View Textbook Summary link to see books or other course materials you assigned for classes for which you are a Primary Instructor. If you have questions about whether you are a Primary Instructor for a class, contact the Scheduling Representative for the department through which the class is offered.
On the Faculty Center Textbook Summary page:
Textbook information includes the status (recommended or required), ISBN, title, and publisher, along with a link to view details at the Amazon website.
FERPA (the Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act) is a federal law protecting the confidentiality of student records. Click View FERPA Quick Reference to learn more about confidential student information and how to handle this information securely.
You can access the UMass FERPA tutorial (in the Files box on the About Ferpa Certification page), the Instructor's Guide & Certificate for Information Security, and the most current Academic Regulations from the FERPA Quick Reference page. These resources all provide more information about how the FERPA law is interpreted and applied at UMass Amherst.
Click Return to go back to your Faculty Center.
The My Teaching Schedule table displays all your UMass Amherst teaching assignments for a single term. If you have teaching assignments for other terms and want to view one of those terms, click the change term button. On the Select Term page, select a term, then click Continue. Your Faculty Center will refresh to show your teaching assignments for the new term.
Your teaching assignments for a term appear in the My Teaching Schedule table.
To export a copy of your teaching schedule:
You can adjust your teaching schedule to show only classes with enrollment or all your teaching assignments for term.
Click the Class Roster icon () to view the most recent class roster for a class. Learn more about class rosters.
To access the grade roster for a class, click the Grade Roster icon next to the class description. The Grade Roster icon changes to reflect the current status of the grade roster.
Learn more about using grade rosters.
Note: Grade rosters become available in the latter part of the term (about three weeks before grades are due for the Fall and Spring terms).
If you are using Moodle or Blackboard Learn for your classes, the learning management system (LMS) icon () will appear next to the roster columns. Click the LMS icon (
) to access the Moodle or Blackboard Learn Login page. If you do not use a Learning Management System and would like more information, see Course Eligibility for Requesting a Learning Management System (LMS).
Use the Class column to check the basic identifiers for your class, as they appear in the Schedule of Classes:
For each class listed in the My Teaching Schedule table, the Class column provides a link to the corresponding Class Detail page in the Schedule of Classes. Click any Class Detail link to see more information about a class, including its enrollment status (Open/Closed), enrollment restrictions (e.g., reserved seating, requisites, etc.), notes, class capacity and current enrollment, waitlist information (if the class uses a SPIRE waitlist), and GenEd information (e.g., whether your class fulfills any General Education requirements).
On the Class Detail page, click Close to return to the Faculty Center.
The Class Title column provides the full name of each class (e.g., S - Conflict/Mediation (Seminar), etc.)
The Enrolled column shows the number of students currently enrolled in a class. During the open enrollment period, this number changes whenever students add or drop the class.
The Days & Time column lists the meeting times for each class (e.g., MoWeFr 9:05 - 9:50).
TBA indicates one of the following:
The Room column lists the building and room number where a class meets.
TBA indicates that the location for your class has not been posted in SPIRE yet. Check with the academic support staff in your department for more information.
The Class Dates column lists the start and end dates for each class (usually corresponding to the start and end dates of the semester). If you are teaching a course with non-standard dates (e.g., a six-week course in the Fall or Spring semester), use this column to confirm the start and end dates display correctly.
Click the View Weekly Teaching Schedule link to open a weekly calendar format view of your teaching schedule.
Note: The weekly teaching schedule does not include classes that do not have valid days and times listed in the Schedule of Classes (e.g., independent studies, online classes, etc.); Academic Calendar schedule changes (e.g., classes following a Monday schedule on the Tuesday after a holiday); or final exam information.