Instructors for Independent Studies students – UR89_DEPT_IND_STUDIES
Instructors for Practicum students – UR89_DEPT_PRACTICUM
Use the two queries above to view enrollment details for students taking independent studies or practicum classes offered by your department. Query results include the students associated with each class, along with the name of the instructor overseeing each student’s work.
Enter a range of expected graduation terms to see the status of the integrated experience (IE) academic requirement for students in your major(s).
Students who did not pass prereq with at least a “C-” – UR89_DEPT_PREREQ_NOTPASS
Students who did not pass prereq with at least a “C” – UR89_DEPT_PREREQ_NOTPASS_C_UP
Use the two queries above to check for students who are enrolled in classes, but who did not earn at least the minimally acceptable grade for the prerequisite class(es). Students typically must earn a grade of at least “C-“ in prerequisite classes. In some cases, the minimally acceptable grade is “C”. When a student registers for a class and is currently taking a prerequisite for that class, SPIRE assumes that the student will pass the prerequisite with the minimum grade and allows the student to register. Use whichever query matches the minimally acceptable grade.
Count of students missing a particular co-requisite – UR89_DEPT_MISSING_COREQS
For a particular class and its co-requisite, find out how many students are missing the co-requisite.
Students on academic probation – UR89_DEPT_PROBATION_LIST
Find students who are on academic probation for a given term. Results appear in order of student's 8-digit SPIRE ID and include contact information.
Students on academic warning – UR89_DEPT_WARNING_LIST
Find students who are on academic warning for a given term. Results appear in order of student's last name and include contact information.
Students with no grade, by class # – UR89_DEPT_GRADE_FOLLOWUP
Find students in your department who have a grade of INC or __. Results appear in order of the 5-digit class number.
Students with grade, by class – UR89_DEPT_STUDENTS_BY_GRADE
Find students who took classes in your department and received a specified grade. Results appear in order of student’s last name and include class information.
Grd roster status w/instructor – UR89_DEPT_GRADE_ROSTER_STATUS
Shows the status of grade rosters (Not Reviewed, Ready for Review, Approved, or Posted) by class, with instructor names and email addresses.
Stdnt acad level by class subj – UR89_DEPT_CLASS_ACAD_LEVEL
Gives counts of students enrolled in individual classes by academic level.
Students by Student Group – UR89_DEPT_STDNTS_BY_ST_GROUP
Shows students who belong to an active student group.