On this page:
Go to the SPIRE Logon page. Log on with your NetID (IT Account user name) and password.
If you know your NetID but forget your password, use the Password & NetID Help link on the SPIRE Logon page (right side of the page) to receive a temporary password.
If you forget your NetID and password, get in touch with the IT Service Desk in person, via email, or over the phone.
Yes, using SPIRE is required. If you have trouble using SPIRE, contact spire-support@it.umass.edu.
Yes, see Record Grades for online step-by-step instructions. You may request additional guidance by emailing spire-support@it.umass.edu
Log on to SPIRE using your NetID (IT Account user name). On your Faculty Center, click change term. Look for the current term on the Select Term page and select it to change to that term.
If you cannot see the current term on the Select Term page, then you have not been listed as an instructor for any classes for the current term. If this is incorrect, contact the Schedule Representative for your department. That person will work with the Registrar's Office to resolve the issue.
Once grade rosters are available for the term, look for the grade roster icon () on your Faculty Center, just after the class roster icon (
) for your class. Click the Grade Roster icon to access the grade roster.
Make sure you are viewing your classes for the correct term (see above). Grade rosters become available in the latter part of the term, about three weeks before grades are due for the Fall and Spring terms. The Registrar sends an email to all department Schedule Representatives at that time.
If you think you should have a grade roster but do not see the icon, contact the Schedule Representative for the department through which the class is offered. The Schedule Representative will work with the Registrar's Office to resolve the issue.
For more about grade roster icons, see Grade Roster Status.
Grade rosters include all students officially registered in a class. To check your class roster to view all the students officially registered in your class, click the Class Roster icon () for the class on your Faculty Center.
If you find that a student is on your class roster but missing from the grade roster, submit the student's grade via a paper Grade Change form. Paper Grade Change forms are available from your department support staff.
To view students who dropped your class, on the Class Rosters page, select Dropped from the Enrollment Status drop-down list, then click change. All the students who dropped your class will appear in the Dropped Students table.
First, check that the Approval Status is set to Not Reviewed. This is the only option that allows you to input or edit grades.
If the Grade Roster Approval Status is set to Not Reviewed, but there are no Roster Grade drop-down lists available or the only grading option available is Undefined, then your browser version is not compatible with SPIRE. Check the SPIRE Logon page for current browser recommendations. You must use a computer with the recommended browser version. If you need access to a computer with a compatible browser and cannot find one within your department, contact spire-support@it.umass.edu to arrange to use a computer in the SPIRE training classroom.
Be sure to click Save after entering or editing grades or changing the Approval Status of your grade roster. Always save your work at least every 15 minutes while entering grades in SPIRE.
SPIRE displays only the valid options for each particular student/class combination. See the Undergraduate Academic Regulations or Graduate School Grading Policy. Links are provided on the right side of this page under Related Topics.
If you need further assistance selecting grading options, please contact the appropriate office. Links are provided on the right side of this page under Related Topics.
University grading policies require instructors to enter a grade for each student on their grade roster. SPIRE mirrors this policy, so you cannot set a grade roster Approval Status to Approved until you assign every student on the roster a grade. Please refer to the Undergraduate Academic Regulations or Graduate School Grading Policy. Links are provided on the right side of this page under Related Topics.
If you need further assistance selecting grading options, please contact the appropriate office. Links are provided on the right side of this page under Related Topics.
Individualized study classes are typically combined into a single grade roster per department. The department Schedule Representative designates an instructor for grade approval responsibility for the roster. The other instructors teaching individualized-study classes should follow the established department process for recording their grades. Please contact the Schedule Representative for your department if you have questions about your department's process.
You can make changes to your grade roster(s) until final grades are due; just switch the grade roster Approval Status to Not Reviewed, make your changes, then when finished click Save. Be sure to switch the grade roster Approval Status back to Approved and click Save.
After the Registrar's Office, Continuing & Professional Education, or the Graduate School posts the grades to students' records, the grade roster status will be Posted.
If you have grading authorization, you may use SPIRE to change posted grades of INC, NR, Y, or '__' (blank) for classes taught in the most recent four terms. For details, see Grade Change - for Instructors. All other grade changes require grade change forms, available from your department or the Registrar's Office.
Federal regulations require collection of Last Date of Attendance (LDA) data to provide a more complete understanding of students’ failing grades. The regulations seek to discern three groups of failing students based on class attendance patterns. Failing grades are ‘F’ and the double-underscore ‘__’, which you must use for students who never attended class. Text on the new Student Last Date Attended page, linked from the grade roster, offers a description of each failing group, along with guidelines about how to determine a specific LDA for students in the third group. For tips and step-by-step instructions for entering Last Date of Attendance data, go to Record Grades and click the Enter Last Date of Attendance (LDA) Data link, near the top of the page.