Class Overview/Textbooks - for Instructors & Staff

Use this page to enter your Class Overview, enter the link to your syllabus, view the synchronous status of your remote class and link to our textbook service.  On your SPIRE Center, select the Faculty Center tile. Under the Faculty Center heading, select the Class Overview/Textbooks page and select a course.

Only primary instructors may enter information, and only for the graded section of a class. If you teach a class with both a lecture and a lab section, for example, only the lecture section is available to you in your class selection list.

Enter Class Overview

View Synchronous Status

Link to a Syllabus in SPIRE (optional)

You are not required to publish your syllabi online. If you choose to do so, you can publish them either as outlines or as complete syllabi like those you distribute in class.

eCampus FAST Adoption Tool