Make Your Moodle Course Available to Students

When first requested, Moodle courses are hidden from students.

Instructors can hide courses that are not ready for use (after the automatic release date), or open courses prior to the beginning of the semester. 

Note: We do not recommend re-opening a course after the close of the semester because it can confuse students. If you have a student working on an Incomplete, you do not need to re-open a past semester's course (which would make it show in the My Courses navigation for all students who had been enrolled in the class). Rather, you can give a particular student the role of Student with Incomplete and allow them special access to the course.

Use the Course Management Panel to change your course visibility

  1. On your Moodle course page, select Course Management (black gear icon Course management icon, top right), the Course Management panel opens. 
  2. On the Course Management panel, under Course Settings, select Edit course settings. The Edit course settings page opens. Course visibility in Edit course settings (click to enlarge)
  3. On the Edit course settings page, under General, for Course visibility, select Hide or Show.
  4. Click Save and display.