Download All Instructor Files from a Moodle Course

Individuals who have Teacher or Course Designer roles in a course can download all instructional files posted in the course. The Download Instructor Files tool is provided as a quick method to capture content added by an instructor to a course.

Download All Files Added to a Course by a Teacher or Course Designer

  1. Log into Moodle and go to the course from which you wish to download files.
  2. Select Course Management (black gear icon course management icon, top right). The Course Management panel opens.
  3. On the Course Management panel, under Course Settings, select Download instructor files. Moodle compresses the files into a single ZIP file and begin the download process, which differs depending on your browser settings.
  4. Locate the downloaded .zip file on your computer and unzip the file. 
    Note: All files are contained in a single "flat" directory without any sub-folder hierarchy.