Embed Video or Audio on a Moodle Page

Audio and visual media can be very powerful tools in a Moodle course. Students can view material from the Web, catch up on lectures they have missed, and view demonstrations of the content discussed in class. 

Copyright reminder: There are no restrictions on sharing original material (e.g., recordings of your own lectures or your own video content). For content that is copyright-protected, fair use guidelines apply. Please also consider that media posted by others on sharing websites such as YouTube, Vimeo, and SlideShare may be taken down without warning. For more information, please read Copyright & Fair Use at UMass Amherst.
On this page:

Ways to share media in Moodle

Embed media

When media is embedded, a media player appears directly on the page that allows students to view or listen without leaving the page.

Link to media

In some situations, video cannot be embedded directly on a Moodle page (e.g, video hosted on the UMass Libraries eReserves streaming server or on screencast.com), or you may simply wish to use a link instead of displaying embedded media.

Post a Screencast as a Web Page

Embed media hosted outside Moodle (using Media button)

The preferred way to embed media hosted outside of Moodle is to use the Media button in Moodle's HTML Editor. Moodle will automatically display the video in a media player. This method can be used for media hosted on Vimeo, YouTube, Ted Talks, SlideShare, Issue, SoundCloud, Office 365 Video, or Sway.

  1. Copy the URL for the video from a supported service (Vimeo, YouTube, Ted Talks, SlideShare, Issue, SoundCloud, Office 365 Video, or Sway).
    • Go to the page on the website where the media is hosted and copy the URL from your browser's location bar.
      Note: Do not copy "embed" code, if provided.
  2. In your Moodle course, click Turn editing on (green pencil icon Turn editing on icon, top right). The edit links appear. Add or Edit the activity or resource where the embedded media will appear.
  3. Click on the HTML editor entry box where you want the video to appear.
  4. In the Editor toolbar, click the Media button (Moodle media icon). The Insert media pop-up opens. 
  5. In the Insert media pop-up:
    - For Enter URL, select the Link tab and paste the address you copied in Step 1.
    - For Enter Name, enter a title for the video. Naming the video makes your content more accessible to students who are listening to your webpage using screen reader software.
  6. Click Insert media. The pop-up closes and you return to the Moodle editor.
    Note: The embedded video will not display in the HTML editor—you will see only a link, but after you save, the video will display embedded in your activity or resource.
  7. Important! The link to the media URL must be on its own line for the embed to work. On your keyboard, press Enter/Return to create a new paragraph.
  8. Add additional content to your entry (as needed).
  9. By default, a video appears at 300 x 400 pixels to make the video "responsive" so that the video resizes to fit the available space on any device. In the text entry box, highlight the link you just added, then in the Editor toolbar, click the Style button (ink drop icon in the middle of the toolbar) and select </> Responsive video.
    Responsive video drop-down menu
  10. Important! This step must be the last thing you do on a page. If additional content will appear on the page, add additional content before completing this step.
  11. Click Save and display or Update (depending on the activity type).
  12. Open the Activity or Resource to make sure the media plays correctly.

Upload a video or audio file to Moodle

You can upload a media file to Moodle and insert embedded media wherever you see an HTML editor toolbar, including Activity Descriptions, Forum posts, Assignment submissions, Database, Wiki or Glossary entries, Page or Label resources, etc.

Upload limits: The default upload limit in a Moodle course is 50 MB. You can increase the course limit to 800 MB in your Course Settings. However, the maximum upload limit for student submissions varies for different activities (e.g., 50 MB for Assignment activities). If students are submitting videos, you should have them host the files offsite. We also recommend instructors break large videos into smaller clips, or better yet, share large video files outside of Moodle (e.g., YouTube or Vimeo, see Embed Media Hosted Outside Moodle above).

File types: Recommended file types include MP4 (recommended), M4VMP3, OGG. Other file types may not display embedded, in which case students will still see a link to the file that they can download, but may need to install a player to view. AVI and MOV files are not recommended because file sizes are typically very large and not all computers or devices can play them. For help converting media files, instructors can contact the Instructional Media Lab at 413-545-2823 or instruct@umass.edu.

  1. In your Moodle course, click Turn editing on (green pencil icon Turn editing on icon, top right), the edit links will appear. Add or Edit the activity or resource where the embedded media will appear.
  2. In the HTML editor content box, click where you want to embed the video or audio file.
  3. In the HTML editor toolbar, click Insert Moodle media (Insert media icon). The Insert media pop-up window opens.
  4. Click Browse Repositories. The File picker opens.
  5. Click Upload a file Choose File to browse for the file on your computer, or Google Drive to copy the file from your Google Drive account, then click Upload this file. The File picker window closes. The file name is listed in the Insert media pop-up.
  6. Click Insert media. The dialog box closes and the file appears as a hyperlink. Don't worry if you do not see a preview of the media, the player shows on the saved Moodle page, but will not preview in the HTML editor.
    Note: The "</> Responsive style" described above for videos embedded from off-site, does not work for a video uploaded to Moodle.
  7. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save and display, Save and return to course, or Update (depending on the activity type).
  8. Open the Activity or Resource and ensure that the media plays correctly.
    • Audio displays as a media play bar:
    • Video displays in a media player:

Embed media using "Embed Code" (instructors only)

Instructors can use embed code found on YouTube, Vimeo, Google Drive or other sharing sites to embed media in most Moodle activity types. Compared to the methods described above, embed code can provide additional control over the video display (e.g., dimensions, looping, auto-play, etc.).


Part One: Copy the embed code from the sharing website

  1. Go to the media sharing site and open the video page.

  2. On the video page, look for (and click on) a link to Share the video. Click Embed (if needed) to find an Embed text-box containing HTML. You may also find options to customize the size, auto-play, or loop the video embedded on your course page.

    Copying embed code from a video
  3. Right-click on the highlighted embed code and select Copy.

Part Two: Paste the embed code into your course

  1. In your Moodle course, click Turn editing on (green pencil icon turn on editing icon, top right), and the edit links appear. Add or Update the activity or resource where you will embed the video.

  2. In the HTML editor toolbar, click the HTML button (HTML icon). The HTML button is be shaded gray and the HTML editor changes to display the source code view.

  3. Right-click on the HTML Source Editor window and select Paste.
    HTML editor text box

  4. Click the HTML button again. The video previews in the HTML editor

  5. Note:  The video embeds at the width and height specified in the video player from the host site. The <responsive> style described above for media hosted outside of Moodle does not work for media embedded using embed code.

  6. Add additional content to your entry (as needed).

  7. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save and display, Save and return to course or Update (depending on the activity type).

  8. Open the Activity or Resource and make sure that the media plays correctly.