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Many laptop and some desktop computers have both wired and wireless network adapters or cards. These two cards allow you to establish simultaneous wired and wireless connections to the campus network.
While this simultaneous connection (also known as ‘network bridging’) may be useful on some home networks, it causes problems on the campus network.
You can use only one network connection at a time. Ethernet jacks on campus are set up to automatically shut off once they detect network bridging. Plugging your computer into another jack will disable that jack as well.
Note: Some computers and network adapters may use network management software other than the built-in applications included with an operating system (especially on Windows). If you find that this is the case, the process described below will be similar, but the steps may not apply exactly. Consult the help documentation for your network management software or contact the IT Help Center if you need assistance.
Please do not use more than one network connection at one time.
Windows 7
On the Windows taskbar (bottom, right), right-click the connection icon and select Disconnect from [connection name]
Windows Vista
On the Windows taskbar (bottom, right), right-click the connection icon and select Disconnect from [connection name]
Windows XP
On the Windows taskbar (bottom, right), right-click the Wireless Network Connection icon and select Disable.
Mac OS 10.x
On the menu bar (top, right), right click the wireless icon and select Turn AirPort Off.
This will keep your operating system from using the disabled connection until you re-enable it. To enable your connection, reverse the process you followed below. Consult the help documentation of your operating system if you need assistance.
If your laptop has more than one network adapter or card, you may have to disable network bridging, otherwise known as Internet connection sharing. Find your operating system and follow the instructions below.