Students - View Your Academic Requirements Reports

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About Academic Requirements Reports

Undergraduates, use Academic Requirements reports in SPIRE to check your progress toward earning your degree. The reports show which requirements you have already satisfied and which ones you still need to satisfy in order to graduate. The report is called Academic Requirements Report (ARR). The ARR never includes classes in your enrollment Shopping Cart. Use the ARR to evaluate degree progress based on course history and current enrollments.

Who can use Academic Requirements Reports?

You can use these reports if you are an active, undergraduate degree-seeking student (includes UWW students - see note). 

Students who cannot use the Academic Requirements reports include:

If you are in one of these student categories, consult with an advisor for information about your degree requirements and progress.

UWW students: Because you create your own program of study, SPIRE does not have a standard set of major requirements for you like it does for department-based majors. Your reports can compare your academic history against University-level requirements only, and you must consult with an advisor for specific information about your individual degree requirements and progress. For the same reason, your requirements reports never include course lists.

How to Read Academic Requirements Reports

Open Academic Requirements Reports

  1. On your SPIRE Center, select the Academics tile.
  2. Click Academic Requirements (ARR) under the General Academic Info from the left-hand menu.
  3. Important: Be sure that you understand how the ARR uses classes that are in-progress to determine which requirements to display as completed. The reports assume that you will or might earn an 'A' for those classes. Tip: After you've reviewed unsatisfied requirements, click expand all at the top of the report to see which classes it is using to satisfy other requirements. Look for the yellow-diamond status icon that signifies in-progress classes and the blue-star status icon that signifies Shopping Cart classes.

Print your Academic Requirements Report & Course History

Do you want to print your Academic Requirements Report?

  1. Click the View Report as PDF button at the beginning of the report. A PDF version of your report opens that includes your degree progress information showing your satisfied and unsatisfied requirements, courses that fulfill your unsatisfied requirements, and your course history of the courses you completed, have in progress, and any grades, test, or transfer credits earned for those courses.
  2. Print the PDF file from your browser. See Printing from SPIRE for more information.