CAPS - Grading Basis

Grading Basis defines the range of valid grades for a class.
Each course will be coded with one of the following grading basis options:

  Grading Basis         Code                                        Description

Opt: GradOPGStandard grading for graduate courses. Student has the option to choose either Letter grading or Audit (graduate students) or Elective P/F (undergraduate students enrolled in 500-level courses).
Mand. P/FMPFMandatory Pass/Fail, for approved* undergraduate courses
Mand. SatisSATMandatory Satisfactory/No Credit, for approved* graduate courses
GR LetterLTRLetter-grades only, for approved* graduate courses
UG LetterLET

Letter-grades only, for approved* undergraduate courses


IP grading for dissertation/thesis courses

Stdnt OptOPTStandard grading for undergraduate courses. Student has the option to choose either Letter grading or Elective P/F.
Year LetYRL

Year-long with letter-only grading for approved* undergraduate courses, to allow the submission of a “Y” grade until completion of the second semester’s registration in the course

Year MandYRM

Year-long with mandatory pass/fail only grading for approved* undergraduate courses, to allow the submission of a “Y” grade until completion of the second semester’s registration in the course

Year Opt  YROYear-long with standard grading for approved* undergraduate courses, to allow the submission of a “Y” grade until completion of the second semester’s registration in the course

Although 500-level courses are considered both undergraduate and graduate courses, for the purposes above, they should be treated as graduate courses. 

* “Approved” indicates that these options require Faculty Senate/Provost approval.

CAPS glossary