Use the Query Viewer


The Query Viewer allows SPIRE users to run pre-built queries, view results online, and download data to Excel.

The student information you obtain by running queries falls under the FERPA (Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act) guidelines. It is your responsibility to maintain the confidentiality of this information and protect it against accidental release.

A list of queries is available on the SPIRE for Staff Query Directory page.

To access the Query Viewer, log into SPIRE. On your SPIRE Center, select the Queries & Reporting tile.

Find & run a query

You can search for queries available for you to run on the Query Viewer page.

Once the query you want is displayed click ‘HTML’, "XML', or ‘Excel’ to download results. Choose ‘Excel’ if you want to be able to sort/filter your query results.

Majors List Data Dump Query

Some queries require you to enter a term code. Enter the 4-digit code in the Current Term field or click the magnifying glass to display all available term codes.

Query Term Lookup

Click the View Results button for the Query

Data will download to Excel or HTML. Remember to protect any FERPA data.

Note: Some subject queries (ex: UR89_DEPT_CLASS_BY_SUBJECT) require you to enter a Subject Abbreviation Code. Click here for a list of subject codes.