On this page:
Learn to work with the three tabs or pages that comprise the Student Services Center. SPIRE A (Academic Records) users and SPIRE Advisor users can access some of students’ personal and academic information from a single location.
Access the Student Services Center
SPIRE A users:
For details on how to navigate to the Student Services Center, see Staff - Navigate to the Student Services Center Page.
Advisors SPIRE users:
Please see Advisors - Navigate to Your Advisee's Student Center.
Student Center tab for SPIRE A users
Access to this page is granted to SPIRE A staff to run Academic Requirement Reports, view students’ course history and some transfer credit information, check for holds and to-do lists, and assist students to locate information in SPIRE. Please remember:
- FERPA and Service Indicator (Hold) icons, if applicable, appear at the top right of the Student Center.
- In the Student Center, SPIRE A users have access to some of students’ personal and academic information. You can navigate to the sections that include personal and academic details (e.g., Academics, current Contact Information, Expected Graduation Term, Holds, To Dos, Enrollment Appointment Dates, and Advisor. Students’ Housing and Library Barcode sections are hidden from staff users. The student’s current Schedule is also available under the Academics heading, along with a link to a more detailed weekly schedule. Note that some of the sections on this page provide only summary or partial information, e.g., Contact Information shows only some of a student’s contact information.
- Under the Academics heading SPIRE A users have access to the following items in the other academic… drop-down list: Academic Requirements, Course History, and Transfer Credit Report.

Student Center tab for advisor SPIRE users
The Student Center is similar to the students’ SPIRE home page (you get to see a version of what they see). Access to this page is granted to Advisors to run Academic Requirement Reports, view students’ course history, grade and transfer credit information, check for service indicators and to-do lists, and assist students to locate information in SPIRE. Please remember:
- FERPA and Service Indicator (Hold) icons, if applicable, appear at the top right of the Student Center.
- In the Student Center, Advisors have access to some of students’ personal and academic information. You can only navigate to those sections that include personal and academic details (e.g., Academics, current Contact Information, Expected Graduation Term, Holds, To Dos, Enrollment Appointment Dates, and Advisor.) Students’ Finances, Housing and Library Barcode sections are hidden from Advisors. The student’s current Schedule is also available under the Academics heading, along with a link to a more detailed weekly schedule. Note that some of the sections on this page provide only summary or partial information, e.g., Contact Information shows only current UMass email, phone number, and mailing and permanent addresses. Use the relevant navigation menu items to view the complete information for student contact, program, plan, and graduation term information.
- Click the green arrows (
) to expand or collapse sections. For those sections you don’t need, click the green arrows to temporarily hide them. The Student Center page returns to the expanded view the next time you access it, even for the same student. - Under the Academics section Advisors have access to the advisee’s current Schedule, along with a link to a more detailed weekly schedule.
- Also under the Academics section Advisors have access to the following items in the other academic… drop-down list: Academic Requirements, Course History, Exam Schedule, Grades, Transcript: View Unofficial, and Transfer Credit Report.

Transfer Credit tab
Use the Transfer Credit tab to find out more information about transferred Course Credits, Test Credits, and Other Credits. For each of these sections, you will see:
- The institution where the student transferred credits from (Source)
- The student’s academic career (Career)
- The semester when the transfer became effective (Articulation Term)
- The number of credits transferred (Units Transferred)
Note: Click the Show all columns button (
) to view the Model and Statistics tabs in one row.
Academics tab
The Academics tab provides a summary of a student’s academic details. You can find the same information in the Academic Records and Student Enrollment sections of your SPIRE account. Edit? Staff in academic departments cannot edit information on this tab.
a. Institution/Career/Program
Use this section to learn more about students’ Academic Career and Program, including their Status within their program (e.g., Active, Completed, etc.), their Admit Term, and Expected Graduation. For example, in the following illustration, the student started at UMass as an undergraduate, then enrolled in a graduate program. Click any of the Academic Program links, such as I E - Industrial Eng & Op Research, to view more details about a student's enrollment at UMass. SPIRE A users, even though you may see a green edit program data button, you cannot edit any information on the Academics tab.

b.Term Summary
Use this section for students’ term information: find out whether the student is eligible to enroll, their primary Academic Program, Academic Standing (e.g., whether the student has been placed in probation), projected and actual Academic Level (e.g., Freshman, Sophomore, etc.), Approved Academic Load, actual Academic Load, and any current enrollment requests. In the illustration below, the student was term activated for Fall 2004 and is eligible to enroll. Click any of the Term links, such as Fall 2004, to view information about that term. Before grades for SPIRE 2004 were tallied, the student's Projected Academic Level was Junior. After the Fall 2004 term, this student should be a Senior. SPIRE A users, even though you may see a green edit term data button, you cannot edit any information on the Academics tab.