On this page:
The Enrollment Appointment is the time window during which you can register for classes in SPIRE. Check your appointment to see your personalized start and end dates for registration for this term.
Undergraduate Students
For degree-seeking undergraduate students, Seniors have appointments that begin before Juniors, Juniors before Sophomores, and Sophomores before Freshmen. These academic levels are defined by the total number of credits the student has completed to date, a minimum of:
Graduate students
All degree-seeking graduate students have the same Enrollment Appointment. Pre-register as early in the pre-registration period as possible, especially if attempting to enroll in any undergraduate or limited-access courses. Loan excess and stipend checks can be delayed if you are not registered, so it is important for you to register as soon as possible.
You are limited in how many units (credits) you may register for. There is also a similar, but separate limit for how many credits’ worth of waitlists you can be on.
Credit limits are strictly enforced and no credit overloads are approved before the start of the semester. Undergraduates seeking overloads must petition their Academic Dean. Graduate students must contact their Graduate Program Director. There will be no exceptions to waiting list maximums at any time.
The credit limit for undergraduate students who have requested part-time billing status is lower than the credit limit for full-time students. If your billing status plans have changed, notify the University Registrar's Office (209 Whitmore, 413.545.0555) or the Graduate School (532 Goodell, 413-545-0722).