Copyright violations can put you at risk for hefty fines, suspension from the University, even criminal charges. You should assume that any piece of content you come across is copyright-protected unless you created it or you have received the author's explicit permission to distribute it. There are other measures you can take to avoid copyright violations:
Some peer-to-peer software allows you to disable file-sharing, others do not. If you cannot disable file-sharing, we strongly recommend that you uninstall the peer-to-peer application. Learn more.
You will be held responsible for all activity on the campus network originating from your computer(s). It is critical that you not share your NetID (IT Account user name) and password with anyone and not register on the campus network shared computers or computers that you do not own. You can, however, create a guest account for up to three people at a time, for up to 72 hours each. Your are still responsible for your guest's internet activities.
Make sure your computer does not contain any illegal copies of programs, movies or music.
Download or stream music, movies, and other types of files from authorized sites. iTunes, Amazon MP3 Store and Instant Video, Spotify, and Netflix are examples of legal alternatives for online entertainment. Note: UMass Amherst IT does not endorse or support any of these services.
Using peer-to-peer software such as FrostWire, Vuze, or BitTorrent does not guarantee that your downloads are legal (even if you pay to use their services).
Update your operating system with the latest security patches and virus definitions.
Learn more at our Security Center.