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3.0 - Updated on 10-23-2023 by Chelsea Reilly

2.0 - Updated on 03-24-2023 by Chelsea Reilly

1.0 - Authored on 10-21-2021 by Jason Houghton

Part 11: Transcripts & Other Reports

Batch Transcripts Reports

From the student service center, on the test/transfer/transcript tab, one is able to view and print single transcripts for a particular student.

But it is also possible to do many at once.

Navigate to Main Menu>Transcripts & Other Reports and select XML Transcripts>Request Transcript Report

screenshot showing xml transcripts > request transcript report

Select the Add a New Value tab.  Enter or confirm ATUN is in Transcript Type field.  

Request Transcript Report, Add a New Value tab, and  on Transcript Request Header tab, select ATUN in Transcript Type field.

Next, go to Transcript Request Detail   tab and enter Empl IDs, or lookup by name, using the plus button to add additional students.  

When done with the list of students, select Process Request.  When the process is completed the Print button will become active and you will see a View Report link in each row.  Selecting Print will open all of the transcripts in a single PDF. But, remember to allow pop-ups from this website.

On Transcript Request Detail tab, add students using plus button per row, and then click Process Request button. At end click Print button.

Class Rosters

There are two ways to get class rosters in SPIRE:

One, is through the Class Rosters & Reports > View Class Rosters page.

Two, is the Academic Recrods > UM Reports > Class Rosters SPIREMetrx page.

Of the two – the latter is a newer approach and offers a bit more flexibility. Downloaded rosters will launch in a spreadsheet which can be opened in Excel.

Select the Term and Subject, Enrolment status and add/drop date, if interested.

SPIREMetrx Class Rosters page showing fields

In class items, consider adding the Class# and title.  In Student Items, there are many options.  Here I’ll add netID, Plan and Subplan.

When done selecting filters click the Download Class Roster Info button and then periodically click Check Status button.  When the roster is ready the “Download File” link shows to the right of the (now, greyed-out) Check Status button.

SPIREMetrx Class Rosters page, showing fields on lower half as well as the Download Class Roster Infor button. the Check Status button and the Download File link.

Open the file in Excel.

A couple quick Excel tips:

* Select all using Ctrl-A or the Select all box in upper left.

* Double click between column headers to auto-resize all columns

* Select the Data ribbon and filters to make filtering easier.

For example, now I can filter by class title.

Remember, this data is private. So either don’t save it on your harddrive or encrypt and lock it. See “Password-protect Your Computer & Files” on the website.