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3.0 - Updated on 10-23-2023 by Chelsea Reilly

2.0 - Updated on 03-24-2023 by Chelsea Reilly

1.0 - Authored on 10-21-2021 by Jason Houghton

The Academic Records > Student Term Information area in SPIRE holds data showing:

To navigate, select the Academic Records tile. The term folder is divided into three sections:

The Active Term Summary gives a very simple snapshot of the student’s active status on campus, organized by career and term.

Active Term Summary

Term Activation has four tabs.

screenshot showing 4 tabs in Term Activation

The first, Term Activation, gives further detail on the student’s Academic Level, Load, etc.  SPIRE creates an index card for each term a student is eligible to enroll.

Term Activation index card

Note the ‘outer index card’ for each career, and nested inside those careers are ‘inner index cards’ depicting the term activation data by term for that career.

You can browse the term data within a career by either using the navigation arrows or the View All option.

Term Activation index cards are sorted in reverse chronology. Starting at the beginning we see first active term as an undergrad was Fall 2016, a Freshman, taking a Full-Time Academic Load. Note, it is projected this student will be a Sophomore by the end of the term, if all goes as planned. This implies a terms-worth of transferred credits. His Second term was Spring 2017, also Full-Time, starting as a Sophomore, projected to end also as a Sophomore. Continuing a full time load, 7 terms from the start, in Fall 2019 he is a Senior but projected to be a senior at the end of the term.  

The second tab, Enrollment Limit, is organized in parallel to Term Activation and will show if there was an adjustment made to the default Full Time Load of 19 Max Total Units.  

Enrollment Limit index card

In Term Activation, this student started as a full-time Freshman in Fall 2013, projected to end as a Freshman in that term as well. In Spring 2014, still full-time, projected to finish as a Sophomore. Same with Fall 2014.  But in Spring 2015, starting as a Sophomore but not projected to end as a Junior as he has No Units in the Academic Load. The next active term is Summer 2016, enrolled "less than 1/2." still projected to finish as a Sophomore. Then in Fall 2016, back to full time load. Same with Winter 2017.  Back to Half-Time load in Spring 2017, beginning and projected to end as a Sophomore. This continues through Summer 2017. In Fall 2017 back to half time, still beginning and projected to end as a Sophomore. But in Spring 2018 now a Junior with Half Time load. Then bumped up to full time load in Fall 2018. Eligible to enroll in Winter 2019 but carried no units. Same story in Spring 2019.

Looking at the Enrollment Limit tab, it shows no changes until Spring 2018, when the Max Total Units field was changed from 19 to 11.5. Staff in the Academic Deans’ offices with additional SPIRE acces offices may be able to use this Enrollment Limit tab to adjust the limit, if the student has approval.  In that case you will see that the Override Unit Limits checkbox is selected and that the Maximum Total Units field has a nonstandard value, like 11.5 here.

The third tab, Student Session, shows what particular session the student was active in. A session is a part of a term. For example CPE Summer Session One (CS1) refers to classes offered during the first summer session.

Student Session index card

Finally, the External Study tab can be used to find out whether the student is studying or has studied abroad. In either case, Exchange: International undergrad-- Ugrd -- will appear in the Study Agreement field.

external study index card

Term History has five tabs.

Term History, 5 tabs

The first tab, Term Statistics, displays the student’s credit and GPA information by term.

Term Statistics index card

Note that the first page of the inner section displays “0.000” for all units.  This is because you are currently viewing the most recent term entry, and thus the units are not awarded. The amount of units the student is currently enrolled in will be displayed under the ‘In Progress Units’ as well as ‘Units Taken Towards Acad Load’ in the ‘Enrollment’ section.  

The ‘Transfer Credit’ category follows the same pattern.

And lastly, the right area of ‘Combined (Enrollment + Transfer Credit Units)’ displays the total term units received by the student. This total term includes grades units, and transferred units that the student had received.

The Cumulative Statistics tab parallels ‘Term Statistics,’ but with a few differences.

Cumulative Statistics index card

The most recent entry, or the current term,  in ‘Cumulative Statistics’(Page 1) will display the cumulative units the student have received so far, along with credits that are currently ‘In Progress.’  This information will change once the current semester ends, and transition to the new semester begins.

Additionally, the Cumulative Statistics tab displays the student’s most recent overall GPA.

The Term Withdrawal and Session Withdrawal tabs then lists information if the student withdrew from the university.  

Term Withdrawal index card

Cancelled means that the term is cancelled, by the first day of semester, and in which the student will not receive a letter grade. If applicable, the student will receive a 100% refund.

Withdrew means that the student withdrew from the university after the first day of the semester. The refund rate, and if the student will be left with financial obligation, and whether the student receive a “W” or not, will be based on the student’s last date of attendance.  

Academic Standing shows, for example, if the student was placed on ‘Academic Probation.’  The inner card will display other status codes as well, Academic Suspension, Good Standing-Recovered from Probation or Good Standing-After Probation.

Academic Standing index card

The Academic Records > Student Term Information area in SPIRE holds data showing:

To navigate, select the Academic Records tile. The Term folder is divided into three sections:

The Active Term Summary gives a very simple snapshot of the student’s active status on campus, organized by career and term.

Active Term Summary

Term Activation has four tabs.

screenshot showing 4 tabs in Term Activation

The first, Term Activation, gives further detail on the student’s Academic Level, Load, etc.  SPIRE creates an index card for each term a student is eligible to enroll.

Term Activation index card

Note the ‘outer index card’ for each career, and nested inside those careers are ‘inner index cards’ depicting the term activation data by term for that career.

You can browse the term data within a career by either using the navigation arrows or the View All option.

Term Activation index cards are sorted in reverse chronology. Starting at the beginning we see first active term as an undergrad was Fall 2016, a Freshman, taking a Full-Time Academic Load. Note, it is projected this student will be a Sophomore by the end of the term, if all goes as planned. This implies a terms-worth of transferred credits. His Second term was Spring 2017, also Full-Time, starting as a Sophomore, projected to end also as a Sophomore. Continuing a full time load, 7 terms from the start, in Fall 2019 he is a Senior but projected to be a senior at the end of the term.  

The second tab, Enrollment Limit, is organized in parallel to Term Activation and will show if there was an adjustment made to the default Full Time Load of 19 Max Total Units.  

Enrollment Limit index card

In Term Activation, this student started as a full-time Freshman in Fall 2013, projected to end as a Freshman in that term as well. In Spring 2014, still full-time, projected to finish as a Sophomore. Same with Fall 2014.  But in Spring 2015, starting as a Sophomore but not projected to end as a Junior as he has No Units in the Academic Load. The next active term is Summer 2016, enrolled "less than 1/2." still projected to finish as a Sophomore. Then in Fall 2016, back to full time load. Same with Winter 2017.  Back to Half-Time load in Spring 2017, beginning and projected to end as a Sophomore. This continues through Summer 2017. In Fall 2017 back to half time, still beginning and projected to end as a Sophomore. But in Spring 2018 now a Junior with Half Time load. Then bumped up to full time load in Fall 2018. Eligible to enroll in Winter 2019 but carried no units. Same story in Spring 2019.

Looking at the Enrollment Limit tab, it shows no changes until Spring 2018, when the Max Total Units field was changed from 19 to 11.5. Staff in the Academic Deans’ offices with additional SPIRE acces offices may be able to use this Enrollment Limit tab to adjust the limit, if the student has approval.  In that case you will see that the Override Unit Limits checkbox is selected and that the Maximum Total Units field has a nonstandard value, like 11.5 here.

The third tab, Student Session, shows what particular session the student was active in. A session is a part of a term. For example CPE Summer Session One (CS1) refers to classes offered during the first summer session.

Student Session index card

Finally, the External Study tab can be used to find out whether the student is studying or has studied abroad. In either case, Exchange: International undergrad-- Ugrd -- will appear in the Study Agreement field.

external study index card

Term History has five tabs.

Term History, 5 tabs

The first tab, Term Statistics, displays the student’s credit and GPA information by term.

Term Statistics index card

Note that the first page of the inner section displays “0.000” for all units.  This is because you are currently viewing the most recent term entry, and thus the units are not awarded. The amount of units the student is currently enrolled in will be displayed under the ‘In Progress Units’ as well as ‘Units Taken Towards Acad Load’ in the ‘Enrollment’ section.  

The ‘Transfer Credit’ category follows the same pattern.

And lastly, the right area of ‘Combined (Enrollment + Transfer Credit Units)’ displays the total term units received by the student. This total term includes grades units, and transferred units that the student had received.

The Cumulative Statistics tab parallels ‘Term Statistics,’ but with a few differences.

Cumulative Statistics index card

The most recent entry, or the current term,  in ‘Cumulative Statistics’(Page 1) will display the cumulative units the student have received so far, along with credits that are currently ‘In Progress.’  This information will change once the current semester ends, and transition to the new semester begins.

Additionally, the Cumulative Statistics tab displays the student’s most recent overall GPA.

The Term Withdrawal and Session Withdrawal tabs then lists information if the student withdrew from the university.  

Term Withdrawal index card

Cancelled means that the term is cancelled, by the first day of semester, and in which the student will not receive a letter grade. If applicable, the student will receive a 100% refund.

Withdrew means that the student withdrew from the university after the first day of the semester. The refund rate, and if the student will be left with financial obligation, and whether the student receive a “W” or not, will be based on the student’s last date of attendance.  

Academic Standing shows, for example, if the student was placed on ‘Academic Probation.’  The inner card will display other status codes as well, Academic Suspension, Good Standing-Recovered from Probation or Good Standing-After Probation.

Academic Standing index card