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6.0 - Updated on 12-06-2023 by Jason Houghton

5.0 - Updated on 10-23-2023 by Chelsea Reilly

4.0 - Updated on 08-03-2022 by Chelsea Reilly

3.0 - Updated on 10-21-2021 by Jason Houghton

2.0 - Updated on 10-21-2021 by Jason Houghton

1.0 - Authored on 10-21-2021 by Jason Houghton

In addition to the Student Center tab, there are two other tabs in the Student Services Center. The Test/Transfer/Transcript tab enables you to view the student’s transferred courses, test credits and test scores, as well as their unofficial transcript. The Academics tab will be discussed later in the course.The Test/Transfer/Transcript page contains four sections that can be collapsed or expanded by clicking on the green arrow.

The Transfer Course Credits section (below) displays where the student transferred the credits from (Source Institution), the student’s academic career (Career), and the number of credits transferred (Total Units Transferred).

Transfer Course Credits  image

Below this general information, each transferred class is listed. The list contains the term the class was transferred to UMass, the source institution’s class name, title, units and the original grade received.

To the right of the host institution information, the UMass status and course equivalent information appear - the UMass course name, number of transferred credits, and which Gen Ed requirement is fulfilled (if applicable).

The other sections list test credits (such as AP), other credits, and academic tests scores, such as the SAT. For more information about transfer and test credit, click the More about Transfer & Test Credit link at the top of the page in SPIRE.

Click the View Unofficial Transcript button at the top right of the page to see the student’s unofficial transcript. The unofficial transcript is normally opened in a separate tab. Make sure your browser allows you to view pop-ups from SPIRE.

You can run multiple unofficial transcripts via Main Menu > Transcripts & Other > XML. More on this in Video #11.