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3.0 - Updated on 10-23-2023 by Chelsea Reilly

2.0 - Updated on 03-24-2023 by Chelsea Reilly

1.0 - Authored on 10-21-2021 by Jason Houghton

Both the Academic Requirement Report (ARR) and the Course Enrollment Planning Report (CEPR) show how the student's classes fit into their university, college, major and other requirements. Both reports show completed and currently enrolled classes, but the CEPR also shows classes in the student's shopping cart.

To access these reports, select either ARR with no Shopping Cart or CEPR with Shopping Cart from the Other Academic dropdown menu in the Academics box, and then click the double arrow button.

ARR report image

Both the ARR and CEPR reports are interactive. They display all of the requirements the student needs to graduate and list them in sections that can be expanded or collapsed. By clicking the arrows, you can expand collapsed sections and vice versa. Both reports automatically collapse the details if all the requirements for that section have been satisfied. If some requirements are not satisfied, the section is expanded.

Typically, the first section describes how to view the report. The second section displays the term the student entered UMass - this affects which requirements the student must follow. The university, college, and program requirements appear after that.

When a section is expanded, each requirement is listed as a category heading. Below the requirement name, the requirement description lists what needs to be completed in order to fulfill the specific requirement. If the requirement is not fulfilled, Not Satisfied is displayed to the left of the requirement description. Similarly, Satisfied is listed to the left if the requirement has been fulfilled.

Required courses taken by the student will be listed in a course table below the requirement heading and description. Only ten courses are displayed at a time in the course table. Simply select View All or use the navigation arrows at the bottom to view all the courses.

Course table image

In some cases, a requirement is fulfilled by more than one course. The course number(s) or course name(s) will be listed under Course beside the requirement description. Some program requirements, specifically the electives requirements, may have multiple required courses.

Under the Description column, you can select the course title to view the Course Details.

The Status is listed on the right to tell you if the class has been completed, is in progress, or is just in the student's shopping cart.

Some students are granted one or more exceptions to take courses in lieu of the usual requirement. In this case, a Notes column appears and exceptions are displayed as a note number link. Click the number to bring up a table of note numbers with descriptions of the exceptions granted.

You can click View Report as PDF at the top of the page to see the ARR or CEPR as a PDF. To return to the Student Services Center, click Cancel at the bottom of the page.