The Academics box in the Student Services Center allows you to view a student's class schedule and has links to other academic information, such as the Academics Requirement Report and Course History.
The student's current class schedule is displayed on the right side of the Academics box. Each line contains the name of the class, meetings times, location and an LMS icon if the class is associated with a Learning Management System such as Moodle or Blackboard.
Each line also has a small calendar icon that brings you to the Academic Calendar Deadline page. This page lists the deadlines for drops and withdrawals with descriptions of what happens to the student's record for each type.
The My Class Schedule link on the left brings you to a page that displays the student's schedule in other formats:
- The List View appears when you enter the page. It contains a description of each class, times and location, plus additional details such as status, units or credits, type of grading (such as undergraduate letter grading or graduate letter grading), and instructor.
- The Class Schedule Filter Options checkboxes enable you to view dropped classes and waitlisted classes in addition to enrolled classes. After you select the filter option, select the Filter button to the right to refresh the page.
- Toggling to Weekly Calendar View brings you to an alternate view of the student's class schedule. This view displays the student's enrolled classes in a weekly calendar form. Please note that the weekly class schedule only displays classes that have valid days and times; classes such as practicum work, independent studies, and online classes will not appear. Also, this calendar does not recognize when we have Monday schedules on a different day of the week. Click the Cancel button to return to the Student Services Center.