Screencasting software such as TechSmith Camtasia or Adobe Captivate gives you the option to publish your production as a Web page, resulting in a folder of files rather than a single video file. Producing your video recording this way allows you to employ features such as closed captioning and a table of contents.
To post this type of screencast production in Moodle, you will combine the screencast files into a .zip file, upload the .zip file to Moodle as a File, then unzip the bundle of files and set the .htm or .html file in the folder as the Main file. When your students click the link to the File on your course page, the .html file will open as Web page with the screencast embedded on the page.
Note: We no longer recommend sharing screencast files on UDrive., and neither Box nor Google Drive can serve HTML files. If you produce your sharable screencast as a Web page, your best option is to use the instructions below to upload the Web page files to your course in Moodle.
If you have published your screencast as a single video file (not a folder of files), see Upload and Embed a Video or Audio File.
Reminder: You cannot post a project file such as a Camtasia or Captivate file (.cmprj, .camproj, .cp, .cptx, etc.). You must publish the project in a Web-sharable format.
Create a ZIP file of the folder containing the screencast files
- On your computer, right-click (Control-click for Mac) the folder containing your published screencast files and select Archive (for Windows) or Compress (for Mac). This command may be different depending on what software is installed.
- Follow any dialog windows and select Finish. A new file should appear ending with ".zip".
For more detailed instructions on creating a .zip file, refer to Create a Zip File.
Upload the ZIP file as a Moodle File
- On your Moodle course page, click Turn editing on (green pencil icon at top right). Editing icons and links appear.
- Locate the Section on your Moodle course page where you will add the screencast. (If you are using the Collapsed topics format, open the Section.)
- At the bottom-right of the Section, click + Add an activity or resource. The Activity chooser opens.
- In the Activity chooser, scroll down to the heading Resources and select File, then click Add. The Add a file page opens.
- In the Name field, enter a title (required). The title displays as a link on your course page.
- Scroll down to the Content heading, and at the top left of the Select files box, click Add. The File Picker opens in a pop-up window.
- Click Upload a file (top left), then Browse (Windows) or Choose file (Mac) to select file on your computer. Then click Upload this file. The .zip file icon appears in the Select files box.
Unzip the ZIP file & set the main file
- To unzip the .zip file, in the Select files box, click the .zip file icon. A pop-up window opens. Click Unzip (at top). The pop-up window closes and the folder containing your published screencast files appears in the Select files box.
- Mac users only: If you uploaded a .zip file from a Mac, you may see an additional folder named "_MacOSX." You do not need this folder. To avoid confusion, we recommend you delete it. At the bottom corner of the _MacOSX folder, click the small Action icon (
). In the pop-up window that opens, click Delete and then click OK to confirm the deletion. The pop-up window closes and the _MACOSX folder is gone.
- You no longer need the .zip file in Moodle. To delete it, click the .zip file. In the pop-up window that opens, click Delete and then click OK to confirm the deletion. The pop-up window closes and file is gone.
- Next, you need to set the main file for your screencast. This will be the .htm or .html file (Web page) within your screencast files. Click the folder icon that contains your screencast files to open it. The Select files box refreshes to show the contents of the folder.
- In the list of files, locate and click the file that ends with .htm or .html. The Edit pop-up window for the file opens.
- In the Edit pop-up window, click Set main file.
The pop-up window automatically closes. In the Select files box, the file name for the .htm or .html file now appears in bold. - Important! Click the Appearance heading to view the display settings. Change the Display drop-down to Open or New window so that when students click the link, a webpage with the video will open. (Do not use the default setting of Force download.)
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save and return to course. Click the link to the file on your Moodle course page to confirm that the screencast displays correctly.