Essential information
- Navigation: Queries & Reporting tile on your SPIRE Center
- The queries listed on this page produce FERPA-protected data! If you download or print the query results, take care to keep the data secure.
- These queries return information only for currently active undergraduate majors in your department. Running them for past terms will produce incomplete results.
- For more queries: see SPIRE for Staff Query Directory.
- For access to queries: Log into SPIRE and navigate to Profile tile > Access & Privacy > SPIRE Access Request. Follow the directions on the page and your request will be sent to your department head and the Registrar’s office for approval.
- Need help with queries? Contact the registrar's office systems group
Detailed query descriptions
Majors List Data Dump - UR89_DEPT_MJRS_NEW_UPDATED
- Majors List Data, abbreviated - UR89_DEPT_MJRS_ SHORTLIST
Use either of the above queries to view academic and personal information for all active undergraduate majors in your department. The abbreviated version omits many of the lesser-used fields found in the full version and may be useful if you want to create a smaller file or if you receive a “Query Result Set too large” message when using the full version.- Academic Information includes students’ academic plans, advisors, previous term and cumulative GPA, expected graduation date, (projected) academic level, etc. Abbreviated query omits advisor and term GPA information (cumulative GPA is included).
- Personal Information includes students’ best address, telephone, email addresses, residency, FERPA flag, etc.
- Non-Degree Majors List Data - UR89_DEPT_MJRS_ND
Same as the two Major List Data queries described above, except that it returns information for all active non-degree majors in your department. - Majors w/ Advisors - UR89_DEPT_MJRS_ADVISORS
Lists advisors assigned to currently active students, by the student’s primary plan. This query shows only those academic plans for which advisors are assigned. Includes advisors’ email addresses. - Student assigned advisors only - UR89_DEPT_ACTIVE_STDNT_ADVISOR
Lists all advisors for all plans for each major in your department. Results include students whose first major may not be in your department. - Adv hold/appt/RAC list for dept - UR89_DEPT_RAC_WADVHOLDAPPT_LST
Shows all majors who have an enrollment appointment for the term you specify. Also shows service indicators with reason codes of RAC (Registration Approval Required), ADVAN (Academic Advising Needed), or ADVCA (Academic Advisor Credit Alert). - Acad plans with perm address - UR89_DEPT_PERM_ADDRESS
Shows all Academic Plans and the Permanent Address for each of your majors. - Students with enrollment holds - UR89_DEPT_MJRS_W_ENRL_HOLDS
Shows holds blocking enrollment for your majors. - Dean's list - most recent term - UR89_DEPT_DEANS_LIST
Shows undergraduate and non-degree students in your program(s) who made the most recent Dean's List. The term is updated by the Registrar's Office when the Dean's List is published, about six weeks after grades are posted. Results are ordered by career, then program, then last name. - Students in Commonwealth Coll - UR89_DEPT_MJRS_WITH_HONORS
Find your majors and minors who are also members of Commonwealth Honors College. Includes academic plans, GPA, and email addresses. - Students to chk for graduation - UR89_DEPT_PRELIM_GRAD_LIST
Lists students from your area who have applied for graduation. Includes academic plans, total and in-progress units (credits), and email addresses.
- Search Parameters: Expected Grad Term, Current Term. All parameters are required.
- Graduation List by confer date - UR89_DEPT_FINAL_GRAD_LIST
Shows graduates from your area (majors and minors) for a range of dates, with academic plans and email addresses. - Active frosh by admit term - UR89_DEPT_FROSH_BY_ADMIT_TERM
Provides a list of all incoming first year students with name, 8-digit SPIRE ID, major, and college.
- Search Parameter: Admit Term
- Active transfers by admit term - UR89_DEPT_TRNSFR_BY_ADMIT_TERM
Lists all incoming transfer students with name, 8-digit SPIRE ID, transfer credits, major, and college.
- Search Parameter: Admit Term
- Active stdnt with <12 credits - UR89_DEPT_LESSTHAN12_BY_TERM
Lists students for a given term and plan who are enrolled for less than 12 credits.- Search Parameters: Term, Academic Plan. All parameters are required.
- Active Exploratory Track Stdts - UR89_DEPT_EXPLORATORY_TRACK_ST
Lists all exploratory track students from all schools and colleges, including personal and academic information. - Active Exploratory Trk Sdnts w RapTap - UR89_DEPT_EXPLOR_TRK_W_RAPTAP
Lists all exploratory track students from all schools and colleges, including personal and academic information, plus RAP/TAP group.