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4.0 - Updated on 08-20-2024 by Neha Kotturu - work account

3.0 - Updated on 03-10-2023 by Chelsea Reilly

2.0 - Updated on 08-01-2022 by Jason Houghton

1.0 - Authored on 07-20-2020 by Jenna Petticoffer

On this page:


Starting with summer 2020 classes, class email lists are powered by Google Groups. The process for requesting a new class email list through SPIRE will not change. Log in with your NetID and password at to manage your class lists.
Google Groups documentation & support articles

About class email lists

SPIRE allows you to create email lists for the classes you are teaching each term (including summer and winter sessions). Use these lists to send announcements to your students or to set up discussions on course-related topics.

Use SPIRE to create, refresh, and delete class email lists. Once a list has been created, use Google Groups to manage it. Information on this page applies only to aspects of maillist management that you can complete in SPIRE. Be sure to learn more about managing class email lists.


Create a list

Remember that:

  1. Using the navigator icon, go to Faculty Home > Class Email Lists. The Class Email Lists page opens and displays a list of your classes.
  2. On the Class Email Lists page, click Select for any class to open its Create/Edit Class Email Lists page.
  3. On the Create/Edit Class Email Lists page, click Create List to generate the email list. A new email list name appears in the List Name field and a message, “List create pending” appears at the bottom of the page.
    • It takes about an hour to create a list. Check your Campus Email account for a confirmation message.
    • To send an email to your class, use the address in the List Name field.
  4. Once your list is created, use Google Groups to add and delete subscribers, manage posting guidelines, or access the message archive. To access Google Groups, log in at with your NetID and password. 
    Learn more about managing class email lists.

Refresh a list

Your class email lists include the students enrolled in your classes at the time a list is created. As students add and drop your classes, it is critical that you refresh your lists, especially during the registration period.

On the Create/Edit Class Email Lists page:

- or -

Important! The automatic and manual Refresh options update your list by overwriting the existing list with the most recent class roster. This means that any list members added manually are deleted and need to be re-added using Google Groups. Learn how to add subscribers.

Delete a list

On the Create/Edit Class Email Lists page, click Delete List. Your list will be deleted within an hour.

When an email list is deleted, you will not be able to send emails to the class unless you re-create it, although the list name still appears in the List Name field.

Note: Lists are deleted automatically at the end of the following semester.