Essential information
- Navigation: Select the Queries & Reporting tile.
- For more queries: see SPIRE for Staff Query Directory.
- For access to queries: Log into SPIRE and navigate to Profile > Access & Privacy > SPIRE Access Request. Follow the directions on the page and your request will be sent to your department head and the Registrar’s office for approval.
- Need help with queries? Contact the registrar's office systems group
Detailed query descriptions
- Classes by subject & catalog # - UR89_DEPT_CLASS_BY_CATALOG
Shows all class sections offered for a single course for a term (e.g., all BIOLOGY 100 lecture and lab sections for Fall 2010).- Search Parameters: Term, Subject Area abbreviation (e.g., CHEM), and Catalog Number (e.g., 118, 499C). All parameters are required.
- A No Matching Values Found message may indicate that a course was not offered for the term you specified (if all your other search parameters are correct).
- All Classes by subject & catalog # - UR89_DEPT_CLASS_LISTING
Similar to a downloadable Schedule of Classes. Provides information about all classes (graduate and undergraduate) offered on campus by term.
- Classes by instructor ID - UR89_DEPT_CLASS_BY_INSTRUCTR
Shows all classes (graduate and undergraduate) that an instructor has taught by term.- Search Parameters: Term, Instructor’s 8-digit ID. Leave the ID field blank to view all the class sections that do not have an instructor assigned.
- Classes by subject - UR89_DEPT_CLASS_BY_SUBJECT
Shows all classes (graduate and undergraduate) offered in a subject area by term.- Search Parameters: Term, Subject Area abbreviation (e.g., CHEM). Refer to the Subject Area Codes & Definitions (PDF, 103k) if necessary, to ensure that you have the correct Subject Area abbreviation. All parameters are required.
- Status of Classes by subject - UR89_DEPT_CLASS_BYSUBJ_STATUS
Shows the overall status of class sections, including Active, Cancelled, Closed, and Stop Further Enrollment.
- Search Parameters: Term, Subject Area abbreviation (e.g., CHEM). Refer to the Subject Area Codes & Definitions (PDF, 103k) if necessary, to ensure that you have the correct Subject Area abbreviation. All parameters are required.
- History of classes by subject - UR89_DEPT_CLASS_BYSUBJ_HISTORY
Lists classes offered for a subject in a range of terms.- Search Parameters: From Term, To Term, Subject abbreviation (e.g., CHEM). Refer to the Subject Area Codes & Definitions (PDF, 103k) if necessary, to ensure that you have the correct Subject abbreviation. All parameters are required.
- Classes with Gen Ed - UR89_DEPT_CLASS_GEN_EDS
Shows all classes offered for a specific term that fulfill General Education requirements.- Query results include all classes from all subject areas that satisfy any GenEd requirements for a given term. Use the GenEd column to manage your results.
- Honors Classes - UR89_DEPT_CLASS_HONORS
Look up all the honors classes offered on campus by term. Results include any class with the ‘HONORS’ Subject Area code or with ‘499’ or 'H' in Catalog Number.
- Query results include all the honors classes from all subject areas offered for a given term. Use the Subject columns to sort your results.
Look up all the RAP/TAP classes offered on campus by term.- Query results include all the RAP/TAP classes from all subject areas offered for a given term. Use RAP/TAP and RAP/TAP Detail columns to manage your results.
- Class offerings by keyword - UR89_DEPT_CLASS_OFFERED
Use a keyword or phrase from a class title to list classes offered in any term, as recorded in SPIRE.- Search Parameter: A keyword or phrase from the class title enclosed in two percent (%) signs, e.g., %ancient greece% (not case-sensitive). Tip: Use % signs as “wild cards” within your keywords to expand your search results, e.g., try substituting % signs for vowels to find variations on a keyword.
- Please be aware that class titles and abbreviations may vary over time. The class you are looking for may have been offered under several different titles. See tip in previous item.
- Query results list all matching class titles, sorted by Subject/Course Number and then by Term, listed from oldest to most recent.
- Lists final exams by term - UR89_DEPT_FINAL_EXAMS_BY_TERM
Lists all final exams by term, in order by 5-digit class number.- Query results include date, start time, and location of each exam.