Essential Information
- Navigation: Queries & Reporting tile on your SPIRE Center
- Queries about specific students produce FERPA-protected data! If you download or print data about specific students, take care to keep the data secure. General Summaries of Class Information and Textbook Queries do not identify individual students.
- Department Majors, Holds, and Grades Queries return information only for currently active majors. Running these queries for past terms will produce incomplete results.
- For access to queries: Log into SPIRE and navigate to Profile tile > Access & Privacy > SPIRE Access Request. Follow the directions on the page and your request will be sent to your department head and the Registrar’s office for approval.
- Need help with queries? Contact the registrar's office systems group
Query Directory
- The list below gives a brief description of each query, followed by the actual query name that you use to search in the Query Viewer. Click a heading for further details.
- To find all your undergraduate queries, search for queries beginning with UR89_DEPT.
- To find all Amazon textbook queries, search for queries beginning with UM_IT_DEPT_AMZCLS.
Department Majors, Holds & Advisors
(FERPA-protected, time-sensitive)
Query Description | Query Name |
Majors List Data Dump | UR89_DEPT_MJRS_NEW_UPDATED |
Majors List Data, abbreviated | UR89_DEPT_MJRS_SHORTLIST |
Non-Degree Majors List Data | UR89_DEPT_MJRS_ND |
Minor list Data Dump | UR89_DEPT_MINORS_LIST |
Majors w/ Advisors | UR89_DEPT_MJRS_ADVISORS |
Student assigned advisors only | UR89_DEPT_ACTIVE_STDNT_ADVISOR |
Adv hold/appt/RAC list for dept | UR89_DEPT_RAC_WADVHOLDAPPT_LST |
Acad plans with perm address | UR89_DEPT_PERM_ADDRESS |
Students with enrollment holds | UR89_DEPT_MJRS_W_ENRL_HOLDS |
Dean's list - most recent term |
Students in Commonwealth Coll |
Students to chk for graduation |
Graduation List by confer date |
Active frosh by admit term |
Active transfers by admit term |
Active stdnt with <12 credits |
Active Exploratory Track Stdts |
Active Exploratory Trk Sdnts w RapTap |
Class Enrollment Information, Grades & Student Groups
(FERPA-protected, not time-sensitive)
Query Description | Query Name |
Instructors for Independent Studies students | UR89_DEPT_IND_STUDIES |
Instructors for Practicum students | UR89_DEPT_PRACTICUM |
Student integrative experience (IE) requirement status |
Students who did not pass prereq with at least a “C-” | UR89_DEPT_PREREQ_NOTPASS |
Students who did not pass prereq with at least a “C” | UR89_DEPT_PREREQ_NOTPASS_C_UP |
Count of students missing a particular co-requisite | UR89_DEPT_MISSING_COREQS |
Students on academic probation | UR89_DEPT_PROBATION_LIST |
Students on academic warning | UR89_DEPT_ACAD_WARNING_LIST |
Students with no grade, by class # | UR89_DEPT_GRADE_FOLLOWUP |
Students with grade, by class | UR89_DEPT_STUDENTS_BY_GRADE |
Grd roster status w/instructor | UR89_DEPT_GRADE_ROSTER_STATUS |
Stdnt acad level by class subj | UR89_DEPT_CLASS_ACAD_LEVEL |
Students by Student Group | UR89_DEPT_STDNTS_BY_ST_GROUP |
General Summaries of Class Information
Query Description | Query Name |
Classes for subject/catalog # | UR89_DEPT_CLASS_BY_CATALOG |
All classes by subject/cat # |
Classes by instructor ID | UR89_DEPT_CLASS_BY_INSTRUCTR |
Classes by subject | UR89_DEPT_CLASS_BY_SUBJECT |
Status of classes by subject |
History of classes by subject |
Classes with Gen Ed | UR89_DEPT_CLASS_GEN_EDS |
Honors classes | UR89_DEPT_CLASS_HONORS |
Class offerings by keyword | UR89_DEPT_CLASS_OFFERED |
Lists final exams by term | UR89_DEPT_FINAL_EXAMS_BY_TERM |
Need help with queries? Contact the registrar's office systems group