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In the Schedule of Classes, the Session is an optional search criterion (and a field in your search results) that allows you to distinguish between University-scheduled classes and classes offered through University Without Walls.

About University Without Walls, UWW
Through UWW, you can register for all summer and winter classes. You can also enroll in evening classes, online classes, and non-credit workshops in the fall and spring semesters. UWW also manages various certificate programs, and several on-campus and off-campus graduate and undergraduate programs. Note: Matriculated University students may be eligible to self-enroll in UWW classes using SPIRE. Eligibility for UWW self-enrollment varies by term and class.

Read more about UWW self-enrollment. Students who are eligible to self-enroll must have a Summer/Winter Enrollment Appointment before they can do so. In SPIRE, go to Enrollment > Summer/Winter Enrollment Appointment to request a new Summer or Winter term appointment or to view an existing appointment. All other students can use SPIRE only to view UWW classes and must contact University Without Walls directly to register.



Useful info


The majority of graduate and undergraduate classes offered in the fall and spring semesters. The University does not offer classes during the winter and summer sessions.

All summer and winter classes are available only through UWW.

*University Eligible/UWW

This session includes undergraduate UWW classes offered in the fall or spring that count as University classes.

University undergraduate students who register for University Eligible/UWW classes do not pay UWW tuition and do not count these classes towards their UWW credit limit (see below).

*University Non-standard Dates

University-scheduled classes whose start and end dates do not coincide with the regular semester (e.g., 6-week classes).

Note: If you are a matriculated University graduate or undergraduate student, read about UWW self-enrollment to see if you can use SPIRE to self-enroll in classes offered during the following sessions.



Useful info

UWW (University Without Walls)

Select this session to see UWW classes offered in the fall, winter, and spring semesters. This session does not include non-credit workshops, summer classes, or classes with dynamic start/end dates. For summer classes, select UWW Summer Session 1, UWW Summer Session 2, or UWW Non-standard Dates. For classes with dynamic start/end dates, select UWW Non-standard Dates.

In the fall or spring, University undergraduate students can register for a maximum of 2 UWW classes (6 - 8) credits as long as they are also enrolled in at least 6 credits of University classes. For summer sessions, credit limits are 8 credits per session, with a maximum of 16 credits for the full term.

UWW Non-standard Dates

UWW classes whose start and end dates do not coincide with the regular semester.

UWW classes with non-standard dates are offered throughout the academic year, including the winter and summer sessions.

UWW Summer Session 1

UWW classes offered during the first summer session (typically, the first 6 weeks of the summer semester, from mid-May to late June).

Synch your search criteria! When using UWW Summer Session 1, make sure you have selected a summer term on the Select Term page.

UWW Summer Session 2

UWW classes offered during the second summer session (typically, the final 6 weeks of the summer semester, from July to mid-August).

Synch your search criteria! When using UWW Summer Session 2, make sure you have selected a summer term on the Select Term page.