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Below is a Microsoft defined list of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM) departments at UMass Amherst that qualify for the Azure Dev Tools for Teaching (formerly known as Microsoft Imagine or Dreamspark) as of January 2015.

STEM Departments

Air Force ROTC/Aerospace StudiesMechanical & Industrial Engineering
Biochemistry & Molecular BiologyMolecular & Cellular Biology
BiologyNatural Resource & Environmental Conservation
Center for AgricultureNatural Sciences
Chemical EngineeringNeuroscience & Behavior Graduate Program
ChemistryOrganismic & Evolutionary Biology
Civil & Environmental EngineeringPhysics
College of EngineeringPlant Biology Graduate Program
School of NursingPlant, Soil & Insect Sciences
Electrical & Computer EngineeringPolymer Science & Engineering
EngineeringResource Economics
Environmental ConservationSchool of Computer Science
GeosciencesScientific Reasoning Research Institute
KinesiologyStockbridge School of Agriculture
Mass NanoTech InstituteVeterinary & Animal Sciences
Mathematics & Statistics