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An updated version of this article is available

4.0 - Updated on 01-27-2025 by Sai Hamsa Lekha Yerra ESD

3.0 - Updated on 03-30-2023 by Charlie Herbert

2.0 - Updated on 10-24-2022 by Jason Houghton

1.0 - Authored on 07-20-2020 by Jenna Petticoffer

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Keyboard shortcuts

For dropdown menu navigation, see Navigate SPIRE's Dropdown Menu Using the Keyboard.
ENTER: Activates the Search button.
ESC: Activates the Cancel button.
ALT+0: Refreshes (reloads) the page.
CTL+Y: Collapses or expands the Main Menu.
CTRL+K: Displays a list of keyboard shortcuts.

More keyboard shortcuts for staff

ALT+1: Activates the Save button. 
ALT+2: Returns to the Search page from a transaction page. 
ALT+3: Next in list.
ALT+4: Previous in list.
ALT+5: Opens the Look Up page that lists the valid values for a field; opens the calendar prompt

Diversity in all its forms is integral to the success of this institution.

      —Débora Ferreira, Executive Director for Equal Opportunity and Diversity, UMass Amherst