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An updated version of this article is available

6.0 - Updated on 03-23-2023 by Chelsea Reilly

5.0 - Updated on 08-01-2022 by Charlie Herbert

4.0 - Updated on 10-19-2021 by Charlie Herbert

3.0 - Updated on 10-19-2021 by Charlie Herbert

2.0 - Updated on 10-19-2021 by Charlie Herbert

1.0 - Authored on 07-20-2020 by Jenna Petticoffer

Set a Default Transcript Type - for Staff

Before running unofficial transcripts in SPIRE, consider going through the one-time procedure to set up a default Transcript Type value.

Setting the default for the type of transcript you most often use allows you to skip a step every time you need to request that kind of transcript. You can choose an alternate report format whenever you need to using the Transcript Type dropdown menu on the transcript request page.

  1. Navigation: Main Menu > My SPIRE > Data Entry Defaults > User Defaults 4 (tab)
  2. Enter a value in the Flexible Transcript Type box. Use the magnifying glass button to look up the types that are available to you. The most common type is: ATUN – Unofficial Transcript    
  3. Click Save.