The last tab in the Student Services Center page is the Academics tab, which displays Career & Program data and Term Summary information. Please note that Academic Department Staff cannot use the Edit Program Data and Edit Term Data buttons located to the right of both sections.
The Institution / Career / Program section on the left is a synopsis of the student’s status and career. The Admit Term is when the student first became active for a particular Academic Career (Undergraduate, Graduate, Non-Degree, or Non-Credit).
Students will typically follow the degree requirements their Requirement Term is part of. For example, if your department recently changed the degree requirement starting on Fall 2018, then students with Requirement Term from before this semester might need to follow the previous degree requirement. Students with Requirement Term for Fall 2018 and onward will then follow the new degree requirement that is active starting Fall 2018.
Below the general academic summary at the top is a section devoted to a detailed summary by term. The Term Summary allows you to view a student's primary academic program, academic standing, projected and actual academic level, enrollment elligibility, and enrollment requests.
In some cases the student might have two or more careers at UMass. Student Careers are listed to the left side of each section in an italicized blue link. If the student has more than one Career, then the terms will be listed under the corresponding career. For example, many first-year students take Power Up for College Success prior to their first semester. This class is applied to the Non-Degree career track. The summer term in which the student took Power Up will be listed under the Non-Degree section.
The last section in Term Summary is Classes. In this section, a six column table displays classes in which the student is currently enrolled in, or was enrolled in the past until it was dropped by the student.
Students who dropped a class before the end of add/drop will be displayed with a status of "Dropped." No letter grade will be listed in the Grade column. The dropped class will not be displayed on the ARR, CEPR, or unofficial transcript, or official transcript.
On the other hand, some students might withdraw from a class post add/drop. As a result, the class status is changed from a green "Enrolled" check mark to a blue "Drop" circle. Additionally, the student will receive a W in the Grade column. If an ARR, CEPR, or unofficial transcript is generated, the withdrawn class will be shown along with the accompanying W.