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3.0 - Updated on 10-23-2023 by Chelsea Reilly

2.0 - Updated on 03-24-2023 by Chelsea Reilly

1.0 - Authored on 10-21-2021 by Jason Houghton

The Student Services Center is one of the most helpful pages to use when looking up a student's academic information. You can access student transcripts, class schedules, course history, transfer credits, and more. To navigate to the Student Services Center page, select:

Main Menu > Campus Profiles > Student Services Center

A search page will come up. In the search criteria, enter the student's SPIRE ID or name.

Notice at the top of the page is a navigation path, or "breadcrumbs" to the current page's location. Wherever you are in SPIRE, the breadcrumbs can lead you back home. Click on any part of the breadcrumb path to go where you want. Your browser's back button is not recommended.

Student Service Center image

The Student Services Center is divided into three tabs: Student Center, Test/Xfer/Trscpt, and Academics.

The Student Center tab approximates the student’s own view of their Student Center. This page displays some of what the student will see after logging into SPIRE. Visually, the Student Center is divided into several boxes: