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Students & most instructors 

You will receive the appropriate SPIRE access automatically. 

Staff, some instructors, & advisors

If your job requires you to work with student records in SPIRE, including advising, follow these steps for additional SPIRE access:

1. Complete FERPA Certification

FERPA (the Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act) is a federal law protecting the confidentiality of student records. All applicants for extra SPIRE access must become familiar with the FERPA law and must complete FERPA Certification. We recommend that you take the online FERPA certification quiz as soon as possible.

2. Apply for additional SPIRE access

Log into SPIRE and navigate to Profile tile > Access & Privacy > SPIRE Access Request.  Follow the directions on the page and your request will be sent to your department head and the Registrar’s office for approval. You can track where your requests are in the approval process at  Profile tile > Access & Privacy > SPIRE Access Apprv Status/Hist. UMass employees can also find this page via the Navigator > UMass Tools > Administration > SPIRE Access Apprv Status/Hist. The table below contains descriptions of the types of access available, as well as the corresponding training requirements. If you need access that does not seem to fit into any of the training type descriptions, email us at

3. Get SPIRE training

Once approved, we will email details of the required training. 

Access/Security Role in SPIREDescription                                                  Training RequirementsTraining Mode
For Advisors Only   
Academic Records for AdvisorsView all academic and contact information needed to be an advisor. This and Navigate are all the access most academic advisors need!Advising FoundationsMoodle Course
NavigateNavigate is an advising and retention tool utilized to support the undergraduate student population. All advisors to undergraduate students will need access to Navigate. Individuals supporting advising programs through appointment and office management will likely also need access. Note: Navigate is a unique student
success management system that has quick links to SPIRE to best support advising needs.
Advising FoundationsMoodle Course
Classroom Management   
View Class Information in CAPSView course & class offering and requests for changes in CAPS system.CAPSOnline, see OWL Logon page
Class Management using CAPSView and update course and class offerings using the CAPS system.CAPSOnline, see OWL Logon page
Records & Enrollment   
Academic Records & Class Rosters (SPIRE A)View class schedules, unofficial transcripts, grades, GPA, academic statistics, test results, transfer information, personal information, academic requirements report (ARR) and class rosters.SPIRE Academic RecordsOnline, see OWL Logon page
ARR ExceptionsAdd an exception to a student's degree requirements for the Academic Requirements report (ARR).SPIRE Academic Records

ARR Exceptions Training Guide
Materials sent via email
Change Majors & MinorsUpdate student record to change a major, minor, track or honors (plans and subplans).SPIRE Academic Records

UMass Plan Change Training Guide
Materials sent via email
Assign Advisors to StudentsAssign specific advisors to students.SPIRE Academic RecordsMaterials sent via email
Service Indicators/Holds for Advisors or StaffPlace or remove service indicators/holds for students. Service indicators can limit access to certain functions such as registration or getting transcripts.SPIRE Academic RecordsMaterials sent via email
Enrollment Requests & Overrides (SPIRE B)Enroll students in classes, drop or swap classes from a student’s schedule, add students to or change positions on class waiting lists, specify the instructor for an enrollment, change the instructor for certain types of classes, and modify the grading basis. Override class requisites, and enroll students in classes requiring instructor consent. Other topics include class rosters, data entry defaults, and instructor lookup.Enrollment Requests & OverridesOnline, see OWL Logon page
Academic Dean Functions / Credit Limit OverridesGrant credit limit overrides, monitor student incompletes, view comments.Dean’s Additional Functions

SPIRE Academic Records
Online, see OWL Logon page
Graduation Tracking & ClearanceTrack and clear undergraduate students for graduation.Grad TrackingIn-person or via Zoom (1.5 hours)
Student Directory InformationView publicly releasable information such as name, address, phone, email address, birth date, major, degrees & certificates, and athletic affiliation.Student Directory Training Guide & Training VideosMaterials sent via email
Undergraduate ReportsUsing the SPIRE query system, view reports about course enrollment and departmental student data.Undergraduate Reports Training GuideMaterials sent via email
Graduate School   
Graduate Milestones & CommitteesView graduate students' milestones and committee data.SPIRE Academic Records

Graduate Milestones & Committees Training Guide
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Graduate Admissions Committee MemberReview admission applications via Slate (does not have access to record admission decisions).Must be Graduate Faculty
Graduate Program Primary Support Staff MemberReview admission applications, record admission decisions, request SOL extensions, record load override, and access Grad School queries.Online Training MaterialsMaterials sent via email
Graduate School Queries & ReportsUsing the SPIRE query system, view reports about course enrollment and departmental student data.Online Training MaterialsMaterials sent via email
Prepare Grad Student Appointments (GFAFs)Enter job-specific information to initiate graduate student hiring process.Online Training MaterialsMaterials sent via email