Part 4: Repeat Codes & Comments
A repeat code refers to the status of a course that is being repeated. Repeat codes can be viewed at Enrollment Details in the Grading box.
- Students can repeat courses for which they earned grades of C- or lower. They cannot repeat courses with grade of C or higher or for which they received an academic dishonesty sanction
- And for the first five repeated courses, the second grade is substituted for the first.
- Only courses taken at UMass Amherst can be substituted
- On the Student Enrollment tab, only enrolled and dropped classes are shown, not the entire history of other transactions.
Things to watch out for:
- In the first column note course’s Status: Enrolled or Dropped.
- In the middle column, under Career, check the Reason associated with this Status (for example, SR is a Student Request Drop, etc.).
The Repeat Code field appears in the Grading box. Remember: The Repeat Code field is blank unless the student has attempted the course more than once.
Each repeat has its own code. Common Repeat Codes:
- Code OWGS, Original With Later Grade Substitution
- OILL, Original with later illegal attempt
- ILLG, Illegal 2nd attempt
- LEGL, Legal 2nd attempt
- SWGL, 2nd attempt in a sequence of three when this is a 2nd legal attempt, and is counting towards the student’s GPA
- THRU, 3rd attempt in a sequence of three
On the Student Enrollment 2 tab, navigate to the ‘index card’ corresponding to the course attempt with a Repeat Code you want to check.
In the right side of the ‘index card’, if the Include in GPA and Earn Credit check boxes are selected, this course attempt counts for the student’s statistics.
To better understand repeat codes and avoid memorizing them, we recommend that you use the Student Enrollment 2 tab to find out whether a course attempt counts for the student’s units and GPA.
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Comments are part of a student's official academic record, documenting their academic progress at different points in time. Access to comments is circumscribed by SPIRE security: you will only have access to those comment categories that your position entitles you to (for example, staff in Academic Deans’ Offices may not have access to financial comments, et cetera.).
Get to this page by navigating to Main Menu > Comments > Comment Summary. Do a search.
The Comment Summary tab for this student opens. Leave all the Selection Criteria blank and click Fetch.
SPIRE will return all the comments that you have access to for this student.
● On the Comment Category tab, links to individual comments appear in chronological order, starting with the most recent. Double-check the order by reviewing the Sequence column.
● Click the Comment ID tab to view the name of the person who entered a comment. Click the Expand button to get a single view of both tabs.
● To see the contents of any comment on the list, click View. The Personal Comment Entry page opens in a new browser window.