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3.0 - Updated on 10-24-2022 by Chelsea Reilly

2.0 - Updated on 08-01-2022 by Chelsea Reilly

1.0 - Authored on 07-20-2020 by Matthew Gromosky

Download class rosters as Excel files (.csv format), then work with the information in spreadsheet format.

  1. On your SPIRE Center, select the Faculty Center tile. Under the Schedule & Rosters heading, select the Download Class Rosters page.
  2. On the Download Class Roster page, click Select to the left of the roster you want to download.

    Note: You can download one class roster at a time. Repeat the process for each class roster you want to download.

  3. Students' full names, preferred names, and 8-digit SPIRE IDs are part of every roster. Select additional categories of information to include by using the checkboxes.
  4. Click Generate Class Roster.
  5. A message box appears with the text "Your class roster will be ready shortly. Click Check Status until the Download File link appears." Click OK.
  6. Click Check Status.
  7. When your class roster file is ready, a Download File link appears to the right of the Check Status button. If the Download File link does not appear the first time you click Check Status, click again as many times as necessary until the link appears.
  8. Click the Download File link once it is visible.
  9. For best results, choose to Open the file first and then Save it to a secure location.

It is important to remember that class rosters contain FERPA-protected information about students. Be sure to take security precautions with class roster computer files and printouts.