Part 2: Search Enrollment Requests
An Enrollment Request is a record of any attempt – whether successful or not – to change a student’s class schedule in SPIRE. These attempts may be initiated by students, staff with SPIRE B access, and/or staff in the Registrar’s Office. A single request record includes many fields.
There are two options to search Enrollment Requests in SPIRE:
1) Using Search Enrollment Requests: this provides a summary table of the history of requests per student; and
2) Enrollment Request – Find an Existing Value: this provides all details of every request on an individual case basis
When you want to see a history of a student’s enrollment requests, use Search Enrollment Requests.
The Enrollment Request Search page opens. Enter UMAMH and click SEARCH.
There are many options on the resulting search page. Enter at least two other criteria (for example a term code and the Empl ID).
The 10-digit Enrollment Request ID, found on the second tab – “Fields 8 through 11” – is unique to each record.
Note the Enrollment Request Source has a long list of options from a dropdown menu:
● “Enrollment” filters results to only show student initiated transactions
● “Enrollment Request” shows enrollment overrides or transactions initiated by SPIRE B users or the Registrar’s Office
Similarly, the Enrollment Request Action field also has many options in a drop down list denoting the purpose of the request. For example, dropping a course and adding a grade.
Note: “Normal Maintenance,” in this context, refers to updates once a course has been added to a student’s schedule (for example, a grading basis change).
Enrollment Request Reason. Use the magnifying glass to see a list of those possibilities (for example, Correction, Per Instructor, Data Entry Correction, Late Grade, or Late Roster…)
● The first column is UserID. If you enter RBATCH in the UserID field, and then Search, you can look at all the batch transactions from the Registrar’s Office.
• Click this button to expand horizontally so the fields on every tab are viewable using the scrollbar.
● The ‘Enrollment List Table’ on Page 2 of the “Search Enrollment Requests” pdf, lists the definition of all of the fields’ headers.
When browsing results in the Enrollment List table, remember that:
- Transactions are organized chronologically not by course, action, etc.
- An Enrollment Request can have multiple components (for example, if the student tried to add multiple classes at the same time); in these cases, all components of a transaction have the same Enrollment Request ID.
- Any transaction history can only go back to October 2002 (when SPIRE 1.0 went live).
- Grades merged into a student’s record from grade rosters never create an enrollment request. But grade changes always do.
To customize:
- Note the Download to Excel icon in the top toolbar of the table:
- Click “Personalize,” also on the toolbar:
– adjust the column order or add fields to sort.
On the Enrollment Request – Find an Existing Value page. This page allows you to look at specific requests in more detail.
Navigate to Student Enrollment, Enrollment Request page and put in an ID. That’s the Empl ID.
Important: Remember that staff in Academic Deans’ Offices have view-only access to a student’s enrollment requests. However, if your access also includes SPIRE B (Enrollment Overrides), you also have data-entry privileges in this area. Make sure you do not accidentally modify a student’s past enrollment requests!