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3.0 - Updated on 06-27-2024 by Neha Kotturu - work account

2.0 - Updated on 08-01-2022 by Charlie Herbert

1.0 - Authored on 07-20-2020 by Lora Serafinowicz

The Class Number is a 5-digit number used as a unique identifier for a course. All components of a class (e.g., lectures, discussions, labs, etc.) have their own Class Numbers.

The Class Number is required for adding, dropping, or swapping classes. Find the current Class Number for a course in Class Search, Add & Enroll under the Class column.

Tip: Class Numbers change from one term to the next (even for the same class). For a course’s most recent Class Number, always check the Class Search, Add & Enroll for the current term.